Spine Decompression

A spinal decompression bed is a non surgical decompression system designed to provide pain relief to those suffering from comprehensive and degenerative spinal injuries.

Many individuals who attend regular appointments for the duration of the treatment will see the same benefits of a surgical option without the invasive procedure, immense side effects, and at a fraction of the cost. The bed works by gently distracting and mobilizing targeted spinal segments using a series of carefully controlled pulling forces. It pulls areas of the spine apart that are causing pain, resulting in an 86% immediate resolution of symptoms immediately following treatment, and a 91% overall success rate after the entire duration of treatment. Surgery can be tough on the body and in some cases, cause more harm in the long run- this is especially the case the older you get. We believe that by using the technology we have on hand such as the decompression bed, we not only save our patients money, but we buy them time and quality of life. We do this by beginning at the least invasive treatment possible and moving from there, using all the tools at our disposal- this machine being one of our most effective.

To determine whether or not this specific piece of equipment is the best course of treatment for you, we recommend making an appointment to discuss with Dr. Hansen. If you have not had any recent scans of your injury or suspected injury, the office will likely refer you to get the appropriate scans done. If we are not the first office you have seen searching for answers, and you happen to have any information or recent scans, please let the front desk know that you will need an appointment specifically for the review of those scans. This is a longer appointment and we want to be sure we give you enough time to get the information you need.

Am I a Candidate for spinal Decompression?